Image Credit: Nicole Rodriguez
Bio: Most known for his dynamic paintings that are filled with thought-provoking messages, David Rodriguez has made an incredible impact by creating live interpretive performance paintings that communicate concise messages and spiritual matters through the visual arts.
His approach generally begins with serious research and alignment to the content he is complimenting. He uses this understanding to then create a piece that combines an illustrator's method of story telling with the delivery of traditional fine arts.
David has interpreted messages and has created complimentary pieces for thought speakers, successful entrepreneurs, church leaders, and a variety of performers. His artistry has been experienced by The Potter's House, John Deere, LifeWay, Halftime with Bob Buford, Dr. Pepper, Leadership Network, and many other businesses, organizations, and churches throughout the United States.
In 2007 David co-founded ArtLoveMagic. ArtLoveMagic creates amazing live experiences that bring together artists from a number of different disciplines- including painting, comics, jewelry, poetry, musicians, photography, and more. Through the growth and success of ArtLoveMagic David has been able to reach new audiences and has helped re-define the arts in Dallas, Texas.
AHD: Why don’t you begin by describing ArtLoveMagic for us?
DR: ArtLoveMagic is a Texas not-for-profit volunteer organization that creates amazing events where audiences can enjoy the live creation of multiple artistic expressions within one venue. Forms of artistry include poetry, painting, sculpting, music, photography and jewelry. Our purpose is to develop artists and connect them in a positive way with their community. We also produce workshops for both kids and aspiring artists, and on occasion manage special projects for clients.
AHD: You’ve got a stellar show planned for early 2012. Tell us a little bit about Underground and its function in the overall philosophy of ArtLoveMagic.
DR: Underground, occurring February 11, 2012 at Janette Kennedy Gallery within South Side On Lamar, is an annual event that is the biggest, loudest and freshest show ArtLoveMagic puts on. The purpose is to showcase new and uniquely talented artists of various mediums and performances along with established, experienced artists within the same room as they create live and sometimes collaboratively. This diverse presentation keeps audiences engaged from beginning to end during the four-hour event.
AHD: How has your work with Underground blessed you personally?
DR: Over the years I have seen incredible talent displayed and amazing collaborations that have, in their presentation, produced a new ongoing artistic expression. As one of the founders of ArtLoveMagic, and lead producer of Underground, I am extremely excited to see artists taking the opportunity to grow within their talents by doing what they do best and making a connection through their art. It is great to see them utilize their gifts as an attendee takes interest and engages in conversation with them. If the conversation goes well maybe that attendee goes home with one of their pieces. Or maybe the attendee is simply inspired to potentially produce amazing work him or herself. In any case, an impact is made and the artist has the opportunity to influence and be influenced.
AHD: How do ArtLoveMagic productions differ from your typical gallery showing or concert?
DR: There are a few things that make an ArtLoveMagic what it is.
• Diversity: Whether presenting multiple genres on stage, having newbies and experienced poets share the mic or presenting a variety of visual arts within the venue, you will witness it all happening at our events.
• Live Art: All artists participating in our events are asked to produce live within the show. Attendees are able to immediately identify artists and are encouraged to interact and ask them of their approach and thought process in creating their work.
• Interactive: Whenever it is possible for an artist to be interactive with his or her craft, we encourage it. Audiences are inspired at our events and if they can immediately express their own creativity then they are more likely to grow that interest beyond the event.
AHD: ArtLoveMagic is about breaking down barriers between artists and audiences. Why is it important to create interactive experiences for would-be spectators?
Image Credit: Jenice Johnson
DR: An artist took his or her time to be “in the moment” and create something that has the ability to move people in new ways. A regular gallery is a historic presentation stating that something artistically magical occurred. ArtLoveMagic simply took the approach that, instead of showcasing the aftermath, our events would bring you into the moment when the magic happens, during the creation! That is what we mean when we say “breaking down barriers between artists and audience”. Now, instead of an audience that walks a gallery and glances at what has been accomplished, they now enter into the artist’s studio and are able to see his or her craft in action.
As folks experience this interaction they are inspired. Aside from a few artists having interactive artistry, we usually present areas for attendees to fully express themselves artistically within every event we produce. It isn’t uncommon that an attendee in one show may be a spotlighted artist in the next show.
AHD: Speaking of teaching, you certainly don’t overlook Dallas’s little ones. Why such an emphasis on art education for children?
DR: With help from local partners, ArtLoveMagic produces a variety of Kid Workshops dedicated to enriching the lives of the children of the Dallas area community. The intent with these is to get kids bumping elbows with real local artists and giving them the chance to create alongside of them. They are our future creatives and one moment of inspiration in a youth can drive a lifetime of amazing artistic expression.
As we do with our events, we combine as many artistic mediums as we think is appropriate and the kids are absolutely all about it. From learning how to DJ, to learning how to illustrate your favorite comic book characters, to creating murals with professional artists, and so much more, kids get a full experience when attending our workshops.
AHD: ArtLoveMagic events are intentionally positive, and the organization is unabashed when it comes to its middle name. Why the focus on positivity and love?
DR: Love, it is a synonym for acceptance, for purpose and for passion. We are an organization with little requirement to be involved. We are welcoming whether you are a rookie or veteran, young or old, strange or not so strange. Love is the focus and purpose of what we do, to affect others in a positive manner with our talents. Love is our passion and drive. We do what we do because it is who we are and we are simply doing what we do best.
AHD: How do you see encouraging and equipping established and up-and-coming artists improving the community?
DR: Through ArtLoveMagic we have seen artists go from lounging around the house and producing work on occasion for themselves to getting involved in kids workshops, producing murals for city aesthetic improvement and getting involved in multiple positive movements that serve to benefit those in need. The development of the artist involves more to us than just teaching them new techniques, introducing them to a larger network or spotlighting them within a show, it is also about guiding them to become a more active and positive participant within their community through their talents.
AHD: How can readers learn more about your work and get involved with ArtLoveMagic?
DR: If you would like to see any of my artistry and learn about what I do as an artist, you can visit or find me on Facebook using my e-mail within the search field:
If you would like to get involved in ArtLoveMagic, there are two approaches: First, we always have a management meeting or an open meeting for artists to hang out on the first Wednesday of each month. (In January we will be postponing our open meeting to Wednesday, January 18th at our offices.) This will allow you to get to know our organization a bit better and have an influence on upcoming events. It begins at 7pm. The address is on our website (, on the contact page.
Second, we always have an event just around the corner. The next one will be Underground, which will occur on Saturday, February 11th (a preview to the event will occur on Friday, January 27th.) Details are on our website. You can see us in action and see if you feel you could fit in our approach. Please introduce yourself if you see me and if possible bring along something that represents your work.