By Sarah Kay Ndjerareou
Writing is a solitary endeavor. It’s the stillness that feeds the music rushing from my hands onto the page. The essence of this moment is sacred to me and yet when the fevered rush of creation is over, the silence can be deafening.
Art House Dallas became a bridge out of my four-walls into a wider world of creativity. Gaining trust and making friends I’ve become a more confident professional, I’ve been given freedom to make mistakes and invited to collaborate.
The range of art being created is beautiful. Professional or amateur you are invited-in with dignity and grace. Meeting other souls that crave the same craftsmanship has become my lifeline. To be surrounded by work being penned, painted and poured out has nourished me, the starving creative, looking for a place to grow.
At Art House, I’ve met muralists, landscape architects, jewelry designers, photographers and musicians who passionately create the vision that’s been planted in their soul. Personally, being exposed to all these individual visions, in process, has given wings to how I see my own work. The effort behind voices raised in song has inspired my own struggle. Unexposed to other creatives I got lost, viewing my own work as a hobby that should be fun and demand little from my daily life.
After being welcomed into a community of hard-working, joyful people, I respect my own voice and work anew. I value the sweat and intensity squeezed out \of stolen moments for pouring out and value breathing in the inspiration of a graffiti lined wall, the spoken word or a piece of film. The wide open door of Art House Dallas has taught me a lot about being creative and there’s nothing solitary about it.
Sarah Kay Ndjerareou is the author of Pieces of Glass. The child of missionary parents, writing became a natural way to process my adventures through Siberia, Ukraine, Kenya, Monaco, Swaziland, Thailand and beyond. Ndjerareou means ‘he who builds the road’ in Ngambai, my husband’s Reounodji Nathanael (Nate’s) tribal language spoken in Chad, Africa. Our favorite travel companions are our daughter, Sophia Nerolel, and son Isaac Benoji. Today our home is in Texas.