Dear Friends:
As I'm looking at the calendar, I am amazed that we are already in April. Even more surprising is the fact that tomorrow marks six months since we officially launched Art House Dallas. I remember standing on the stage last October, sharing pieces of our vision. Our words were merely the first draft to a story which would eventually take on new characters, places, and plot lines over the next six months.
Wendell Berry, the great American writer and activist, once said: "In the effort to tell a whole story, to see it whole and clear, I have had to imagine more than I have known." As the Director of Art House Dallas, I have the privilege of watching many of our imaginings begin to unfold.
I imagined more gatherings like our launch party where creatives could come together and be encouraged. I didn't know our Art House Exchange events would fill the back room of Molly Maguire's pub month after month with amazing people hoping to connect and create.
I imagined equipping a small number of songwriters to write music for the common good. I didn't know we would have a sold out Song Project with 60 songwriters gathered together to learn how to tell stories about God's beautiful work in their lives.
I imagined a place where this community with so many talents, hopes, and ideas could have a place to create, converse and carry out their God given vocations. I didn't knowI would be sitting with an architect six months later looking at the first draft of drawings for this place of purpose.
As Ephesians 3:20 reminds us: "Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine."
Yes, there are so many parts in all of our stories that remain hidden from us, but we can rest in the fact that our Creator sees each of our story "whole and clear." Thank you for being with us for the first six months of our story. We take joy in these milestones which allow us to look back and see God working mightily in our midst. I hope you'll continue along with us in this journey of imagining and waiting expectantly for God to provide.
Grace and Peace,
Jenny White
Executive Director