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Songwriters Feedback (Virtual)

In partnership, Art House Dallas and Art House North present Songwriters Feedback. This songwriters gathering is for all levels of songwriters wanting to polish their craft.

FEEDBACK [feed-bak] – noun: a reaction or response to a particular process or activity.

Anyone who has explored the creative process understands the value of feedback. Exposing our “works in progress” to the critique of our peers certainly takes courage, but feedback can also take our creative endeavors from average to excellent. Art House Dallas wants to provide an encouraging environment within a small group setting to explore your strengths and potential areas of growth as an artist. Groups will be limited to 5 songwriters and Art House will provide facilitators who have exhibited a track record of success in their art form.

Our featured artist for this Feedback is singer/songwriter David Tribble.

All Songwriters must have video and audio capability to join this workshop. Song lyrics from all attendees are required beforehand. Songwriters will be selected to join groups based on the total number of registrants and experience.

Tuesday, January 28
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST
Location: Online via Zoom / RSVP Required

A fee has been added to this event in order to encourage attendance. If you can not manage this fee, please fill out this form to apply for a scholarship.

Featured Artist: David Tribble


Singer, songwriter from Texarkana, who now calls Fort Worth Tx. home, David Tribble started by scribbling thoughts in a journal as a teenager & then teaching himself to play guitar during his college years and in the church house.

He is a former middle school Science teacher/coach, but he made sure to keep honing his songwriting and sound on the weekends, and between and even during classes.

In 2013, David made a decision to focus on his family, his job and his songwriting in Texas instead of chasing after his short but successful journey with “The Voice” after being asked to come back to Los Angeles to turn a chair.

In 2016 he resigned from teaching and has been able to make and play the music he loves and resonates with.  He is now spanning across the Americana, Folk, and Indie scenes as a winsome troubadour with parables of his own finding inspiration from all over as a proud husband and father.

David’s sound comes with his heart on his sleeve, whether solo or with his band, singing with soul, compassion and conviction settled by grace and truth.  

David Tribble’s 4th studio album “Sunset Sunrise” was produced by Taylor Tatsch (Marren Morris) and was released by Smith Music group in 2023.


After Art House Dallas hosted Song Project in February 2011, one of the biggest takeaways from the event was the desire of the songwriters to have time and space to play their songs and hear from their peers. Furthermore, we also saw that most of the songwriters wanted more time to be challenged in their routine writing practices and be pushed towards a higher standard of songs that are true, good and beautiful for the common Good. Our hope is that Feedback will achieve both.

Feedback for songwriters is a place where expression, discussion, and new ideas are encouraged. Art House Dallas is all about connecting folks, and we also want these groups to pave the way for making contacts in music, which any songwriter knows is one of many keys to success. So, join us for a night of learning and inspiration through the sharing of ideas with fellow songwriters.

Whether you’re listening or playing, please enter the night with the humility of a learner. No one comes out with a finished, profoundly impactful piece of art every time, and to gain the most from the evening, be quick to receive feedback as a statement on the piece of art, not on you as an individual or your artistic skill/sensibility.


When you express an opinion about the song, whether it fits your taste or not, it's more important to explain precisely what is good about it and which are the weaker areas that could be improved.

Please remember that any kind of negative criticism is always going to be a bit painful, so be tactful and accurate. Most people tend to over-react to negative criticism, despite the need to improve, so you should compensate for that a little bit.

  • Come Prepared: Come with a complete enough song that the listeners are able to give constructive critique – (i.e. – try to have it in a form that you would play for an audience)

  • Keep an open mind: Know that everything is a work in progress and there are always different approaches to creating and executing a song.

  • Let the song Speak: Often as artists, our insecurities will get the best of us and we want to over explain the song or give a disclaimer on this

  • Twice as many positive comments as negative. Be as specific as you can about what is good about the writing and song.

  • Do not present a problem without suggesting a solution. In other words, do not just say what you think is wrong with the song.

  • Do not make any jokes, they are much too easily misinterpreted.


  • Lyrics / Story: the topic, theme, the structure and language

  • Tune: chords, melody, mood, originality, and complexity

  • Arrangement: instrumentation, vocals, effects, key

  • Commerciality: What is the goal of this song? Where is the audience for this type of song?

Earlier Event: January 16
Art House Exchange (In-Person)
Later Event: January 30
Poetry Feedback (In-Person)