8th Anniversary Fundraiser

On Thursday, October 18th, Art House Dallas will celebrate 8 years of cultivating creativity for the common good at our annual fundraiser with special guest Jon Foreman, of the band Switchfoot.
Beauty shown through arts, culture, and creation holds a powerful ability to infuse hope and preserve connections between people. It is our belief that these connections and a hope-filled beauty serve to help establish a person's place in the world—a place to Belong.
We all as creators—patrons and artists—have something to contribute. Together we build a community that both recognizes the power of beauty and the capacity for transformation that beauty brings. The primary mission of Art House Dallas is to cultivate creativity for the common good and work to create a diverse community in which others will also find a place to Belong.
Date: Thursday, October 18, 2018
Time: Sponsors & VIP 6:00 pm • General Admission 7:00 pm
Location: 2616 Commerce Dallas, Texas 75226
Local Artists: Crystal Yates & Guy Delcambre
All tickets include appetizers and dessert, beverages, artful experiences, and an amazing show.
Please contact info@arthousedallas.com for inquiries and comments.